Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Promises Kept

What is the statute of limitations on a promise? Does one have a lifetime to follow through on the casual committment made in a passing conversation? How interred are we to these stated intentions? Apparently completely.

After some procrastination, a little detour, a new job, some soul searching, and three hangnails, I give to you the fulfillment of a promise. A blog post. A literary creation of magnanimous proportion. A winding, lifeless, and yet, powerful collection of bliss inspiring nonsense all born of one woman's quest to make me put words in some sort of semi permanent format. Curses. She seems to have succeeded.

This thing, this blog, this space in space, was created over a year ago by one Jennifer Garrett. She goes on daily about how great blogging is, and how wonderful blogging is, and how amazing blogging is, and... you get the idea. Well I joked that I would make a blog bearing the name this one does, and the next thing I knew it existed. That Jennifer is an efficient one. We could all do to emulate her a bit.

So here it is, our first post. The culmination of a year of nagging, evading, wailing, gnashing of teeth, and indifference, sits before you. Enjoy it, over and over. There is no telling when I will again grace you with my blathering.


Jen said...

There is no statute of limitations on a promise. They are forever.

(And, um, I win.)

Anonymous said...

Well there is a statue of limitations. If you die, you can't really be held to a promise. On the other hand you are not allowed to die until all promises are fullfilled... ;-)