Wednesday, November 23, 2005

I c.u.p.

So today, for my new job, I had to pee in a cup. What is it about forced urination that causes the urethra to lock up tighter than your old man's wallet at dinner? I spent the morning pouring cup after cup of water down my throat, to the point that my ears were actually leaking, and yet when the time came I could barely cover that magical line.

Now three hours later still nothing. My gut feels like someone stuffed a hose through my belly button and turned on an air compressor but apparently the small intestine is on strike. I couldn't pee right now if a winning lottery ticket was on fire. Maybe I can sue my employer for bladder distress.

On a happier note this urinalysis means I have a permanent position rather than temporary, making it much more difficult for them to fire me for blogging on the job. What does this mean to you? More blogs. I am trying to decide just how open I should be here. What to reveal. What to chatter on about as I while away the dragging hours. Addiction, arousal, marriage, Everquest, or a 10 hour drive looming over my working soul?

Ahh how droll our life is when we attempt to communicate its excitement to the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahh, the age-old question: How much to reveal on one's blog?

I pretty much stick to not blogging about work (unless it's something positive/benign) and I try not to blog angry. But that's because I use my real name. Never reveal your real name? Say whatever the hell you want.